Thursday, July 8, 2010

Online Business Directories - Making Them Work for You

As a mompreneur with a limited advertising budget, I am always looking for inexpensive ways to promote my business, Kids Decor Inc.  While searching for places to list my business, I came across Market Mommies, a free online directory for mom-owned businesses and blogs.  I was impressed with the site from the very beginning.  It was well organized and updated frequently.  I immediately listed my business and saw increased traffic to my site.

Over time, I have learned of the benefits Market Mommies provides to both mompreneurs and shoppers.  I have enjoyed browsing the listings for my personal shopping and looking through the wholesale directory for products that would be a good fit for my business.  I was honored to be asked by Market Mommies creator, Toni Bloomfield, to write a blog posting detailing the ways in which I have used the directory to grow my business.  You can check out the posting here:

Additionally, I have now become a Market Mommies Contributing Author and look forward to sharing my experiences as a business owner and learning from other moms as well.  To read my most recent contributing article, Customer Service - The Key Ingredient click below:

So, if you are a mompreneur with your own business or blog, I would highly encourage you to visit Market Mommies and get it listed today.  I am really thankful that I found Market Mommies and I know that it will continue to be a key part of the marketing strategy for Kids Decor Inc. in the years to come.


  1. It says that they blogroll is under construction. :( Poo!

  2. Rita, I know the blog roll will be ready soon. I have heard that the new site design for Market Mommies is almost done :) Make sure to check back often!

  3. I Found your blog on network Monday, Really enjoyed! thanks for the link to market mommies.
    looking forward to following your blog!

  4. Sarah, thanks for following. You're welcome for the link to Market Mommies, it is a great place for mom businesses and blogs.

  5. online affiliate marketing is the affiliation concerning website owners and merchants whereby the merchant offers the website owner a commission fee agreement for concerning to the merchant’s site to offer goods or services for sale.
