Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Using Unique Wall Decor to Add Style and Personality to your Child's Room

When you think about adding a decor piece to your child's room that will really make a statement, consider wall decor as an easy and inexpensive option. If you are only familiar with wall decor in terms of framed artwork, there are lots of other options you have been missing. Check out our newest article at the link below to learn how decor items like peel and stick wall decals, wall hangings, wall murals, personalized wall plaques, growth charts, clocks, and picture frames can really tie a room together effortlessly.


Check out our extensive wall decor collection at http://www.kidsdecorinc.com

Friday, December 11, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

I'm not a big fan of the mall or any large shopping center for that matter. This time of year, I avoid them if at all possible and shop online. For me, the busyness of the holiday shopping rush seems to really drown out the true reason for the season. Sometimes I find myself caught up in it as well.

So, this year I am taking time to reflect on what really matters to me. I realize that the blessings of this past year are too numerous to count. There have been some very joyous moments and some very difficult moments, but through it all our family and friends have been there supporting and loving us.

There is no way to know what the next year holds, but I am placing my faith and trust in the hands of the One who does know. Wishing you and your family a blessed holiday season filled with reflection and anticipation for all that is to come!